south korea palace in Seoul

The Hamel Club depends substantially on her members financial contributions for the financing of its events and promotion. In order to keep the contribution as low as possible we would very much appreciate your consideration for supporting the Hamel Club financially.

A corporate membership would provide your organization the opportunity to have the Hamel Club create a dialogue between her members and your company, providing you with means to make irresistible offers and deals.

Bronze Sponsor
* Your company’s logo (small) will be in every newsletter that you will receive as well, and in which you can make special offers to our membership
* Your company’s logo on our site
* Your company’s Banner on the site

Invest: 750,000 KRW per jaar

Silver Sponsor
* Your logo (medium size) will be in every newsletter which you will receive as well, and in which you can make special offers to our membership
* Your company’s logo on our site
* Medium-size your company’s Banner on the site
* A post with information about your company, including special offers
Invest: 1,000,000 KRW per jaar

Gold Sponsor
 Your logo (large size) will be in every newsletter which you will receive as well, and in which you can make special offers to our membership

* Your company’s logo prominently on the front page of our site, with the notification of being our main sponsor
* Large Banner on the front page of the site
* A dedicated full-page article about your company + any advertorial
* The opportunity to make special offers to our membership, through the newsletter and the site

Invest: 1,500,000 KRW per jaar

Any sponsoring or donation will be tax deductible through the Dutch Association Korea, which is registered as a non-profit organization in South Korea, and of which the Hamel Club is a daughter organization.

Sponsoring Opportunities


  • Your company’s logo (small) in every newsletter, and in which you can make special offers to our membership
  • Your company’s logo on our site
  • Your company’s Banner on the site
  • Three of your employees free access to any event

Invest: 750,000 KRW per year

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  • Your logo (medium size) will be in every newsletter, and in which you can make special offers to our membership,
  • Your company’s logo on our site
  • Medium-size your company’s Banner on the site
  • A post with information about your company, including special offers,
  • Three of your employees free access to any event

Invest: 1,000,000 KRW per jaar


Send email


  • Your logo (large size) will be in every newsletter which you will receive as well, and in which you can make special offers to our membership,
  • Your company’s Logo prominently on the front page of our site, with the notification of being one of our main sponsors,
  • A large Banner on the front page of the site,
  • A dedicated full-page article about your company + any advertorial,
  • The opportunity to make special offers to our membership, through the newsletter and the site,
  • Three of your employees free access to any event.

    Invest: 1,500,000 KRW per year


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